about welcome cannabis

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Our intention is to bring value to our community by delivering a cannabis retail experience that connects humanity, nature and art.

We are here to help our community with the practice of using cannabis and to elevate our cultural landscape.

We come with wonder, respect, love, and gratitude for our Planet Earth and each other.

our commitments

community, culture, and nature

Welcome Cannabis is committed to caring for our community, culture and environment. A purpose rooted in respect for the past, focus in the present, and vision for the future. We do this through our language, creativity and actions.

With the support of our customers, #welcomeimpact and #welomepresents works to collaborate, volunteer, fundraise and contribute proceeds to impactful projects for community, culture and nature.

Welcome Cannabis is always looking to engage with like-minded individuals and organizations. If inspired, please reach out: info@welcomecannabis.ca


Holding space and time to support our communities.


Feed and Weed

Help feed our community.

Welcome Cannabis cooks with Chef Boehmer and Chef Jane using monetary and non-perishable food donations to provide hot meals and harm reduction to our communities.

In 2020-2021, meals were distributed by the Bike Brigade with the Encampment Support Network to encampment residents.

Cloud Club

Stream. Stroll. Support Local.

Cloud Club pops-ups support our neighbours, local artists, businesses, and makers.

Toronto Indigenous Harm Reduction

For National Indigenous Peoples Day 2021, we helped raise funds with Native Arts Society and Toronto Indigenous Harm Reduction for the first Indigenous/2-spirited/queer/trans led art centre in Canada.


Exhibiting and collaborating with purpose within our cultural landscape.


Welcome Mix

In collaboration and support for local DJs through the pandemic and beyond.

Art Exhibitions and Collaborations


Ghoulish Gary

13 Pieces: Movie posters and other spooky treats from the collection of “Ghoulish” Gary Pullin




Kim Dorland


Simon Frank



Core to everything we do.


Great Lake Waterkeepers / Swim Drink Fish

Welcome Cannabis teams up with Swim Drink Fish and Lake Ontario Waterkeeper to sponsor two local beaches – Cherry Beach in Toronto and Beachway Park in Burlington – on the SwimGuide app.
